The Safety Manual for Fishing Vessels
-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.
The Safety Manual for Fishing Vessels is part of the safety management system for fishing vessels based on the ISM standard. The purpose of this handbook is to contribute to the safety of the ship, the crew and passengers and to prevent ship operations from causing environmental damage
The manual is the basic document of the safety management system, and shall be adapted for use by ships and by small ships.
Section layout examples are provided in green text in the manual, which must be adapted to each operator/ship.
The cover may also be adapted to each ship, replacing the name, logo and other features.
In addition to the Guide, operators can make use of the Safety Folder a UK publicly available system, free of charge on the website, which maintains risk assessments, work instructions, security equipment and more
Further adaptations of Safety Folder are in progress for Icelandic fishing vessels.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority