Supplemental type certificates (STCs)
Supplemental type certificates (STCs) are granted for aircraft, engines or engine modifications and are therefore supplements to previous licences.
On June 1st 2005, Iceland became a member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). After that date, only STCs with EASA approval for EASA aircraft registered in Iceland may be used. In the absence of such approval, the approval of EASA must be obtained.
All STCs that were on aircraft registered in Iceland before June 1st 2005 may continue to be used without the explicit approval of EASA as they are covered by the Grandfather Right.
Those STCs that were on Icelandic aircraft prior to the EASA entry have now been registered in the Icelandic Transport Agency database. However, only records notified by air carriers and aircraft owners prior to the accession are registered. The data is expected to be quite exhaustive for larger aircraft but a considerable part may be missing on smaller aircraft.
Click here to view all registered STC in Iceland ordered by aircraft type.
Here, you can view STC which are registered with European Civil Aviation Authorities:
German Civil Aviation Authority - Federal Aviation Office (Luftfahrt-Bundesamt [LBA])
Danish Civil Aviation Authority (Statens Luftfartsvæsen [SLV])
STC from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) require EASA approval to be considered legal in Europe.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority