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Sick leave rights

Sick leave rights allow wage earners, through their work, to earn certain rights to a wage during absences due to their own illness or that of their children. Special rules apply for accidents at work and occupational illnesses

Salary during illness

Employees who become unable to work due to an illness or accident are entitled to wages from their employer for a certain period of time. Laws and collective wage agreements provide for the arrangement of sick leave rights, the number of sick leave days, conditions for paid sick leave, and more.

Employees must always notify the employer of their illness as soon as possible, and submit a medical certificate if requested.

Employees who are absent, due to illness or accident, for longer than their right to wages extends, may apply for per diem payments from their union's sick leave fund.

Those who do not have an income during illness may be entitled to sick leave daily payments from the Social Insurance Administration.

Sick leave days

Rules on the number of sick days differ, depending on whether collective wage agreements in the general labour market or in the public sector are involved.

Minimum rights, according to legislation, state that for each month worked, an employee is entitled to wages for two days of sick leave.

The general rule is that the sick leave rights of employees increase the longer they work for the same employee. However, the number of sick leave days does not exceed a certain maximum number, which varies according to collective wage agreements.

An employee who falls ill during holiday time may be entitled to additional holiday time. In such cases the employer must be notified of the illness without delay and a medical certificate submitted.

Ill children

Parents may be entitled to paid leave due to the illness of their children who are younger than 13. Rules on these matters differ according to collective wage agreements.

If the illness of a child is longer than the paid leave entitlement extends, the parent may be entitled to sick leave daily payments from their union's sickness fund.

The parents of disabled children and children with long-term illnesses can apply for care payments from the Social Insurance Administration.

Employees who suffer work-related accidents may be entitled to wages for up to three months, in addition to the sick leave days they may have earned. This applies also to occupational illnesses.

Employees unable to work due to a work-related accident for 10 days or more are entitled to sick leave daily payments from the Social Insurance Administration until they regain health or for up to 52 weeks. It must be noted that while the injured worker is on paid sick leave, the daily payments will be paid to the employer.

Employers are under obligation, in accordance with collective wage agreements, to insure their staff with accident insurance. If a work-related accident causes disability or death, benefits are paid in accordance with the terms of such insurance.

If the cause of a work-related accident is the responsibility of the employer, the employee may be entitled to compensation.

Laws and regulations

The Financial Management Authority

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13

Tel: 545 7500


Katrínartún 6


105 Reykjavík


kt. 540269-7509
