Ship gear service providers
On this page
If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.
Service providers are approximately 20 smaller entities that have carried out individual tasks and tasks involving ships and marine equipment, such as servicing inflatable life rafts, immersion suits, compasses, etc. These parties undertake regular inspection and maintenance of equipment and certify that they are in good working order.
Service providers for life rafts and immersion suits
A list of service providers who are licensed by the Icelandic Transport Authority to inspect and service inflatable life rafts and immersion suits.
List updated last updated on: 31 January 2023
Name of company | Phone | Location | License valid until: | |
Gúmmíbátaþjónusta Norðurlands | 8606750 4626040 | | Draupnisgötu 3 Akureyri | 15. okt 2028 |
Hampiðjan Ísland Neskaupstað | 4700807 | | Nausta- hvammi 49 Neskaupsstað | 1. júlí 2023 |
Hampiðjan Ísland Ísafirði | 4700830 | | Grænagarði Ísafirði | 21. des 2027 |
Pétó ehf. | 4812940 8998990 | | Vesturvegi 40 Vetmannaeyjar | 4. júní 2024 |
Skipavík h.f. (gúmmíbátadeild) | 4301440 | | Nesvegi 20 Stykkishólmur | 16. nóv 2023 |
Víking Björgunarbúnaður ehf. | 5442270 | | Íshellu 7 Hafnarfirði | 7. sept 2027 |
Service providers for launching appliances
A list of the service providers licensed by the Icelandic Transport Authority to inspect and service the release and launching appliances of inflatable life rafts of the type:
Both: Olsen 003 and 006 and Sigmund Equipment: S-1000, S-2000 and S-4000
List last updated: 31 January 2023
Name of company | Phone | Location | Licence valid until: | |
Gúmmíbátaþjónusta Norðurlands | 8606750 4626040 | | Draupnisgötu 3 Akureyri | 6. júní 2024 |
Vélsmiðjan Logi ehf | 4561245 | Aðalstræti 112 Patreksfirði | 23. sept 2025 | |
Vélsmiðjan Foss | 4782144 | | Ófeigstanga 15 | 8. okt. 2025 |
Stál og Suða ehf. | 5545454 |
| Stapahrauni 8 | 1. jan 2028 |
Sigmundur Equipment: S-1000, S-2000 and S-4000
List last updated: 31 January 2023
Name of company | Phone | Location | Licence valid until: | |
Vélaverkstæðið Þór | 4812111 | | Norðursundi 9 Vestmannaeyjum | 4. maí 2025 |
Olsen equipment: OLSEN 003 og 006
List last updated: 31 January 2023
Name of company | Phone | Location | Licence valid until: | |
Klaki ehf. | 5540000 | | Hafnarbraut 25 | 1. jan 2028 |
Service provider for launching appliances for MOB boats
Name of company | Phone | Location | License valid until: | |
Viking björgunar- búnaður | 5442270 | | Íshellu 7 Hafnarfirði | 17. jan 2028 |
Service providers for thickness measurements of ships' hulls
A list of the service providers licensed by the Icelandic Transport Authority to carry out thickness measurements on hulls of hips and boats, reporting and entry the results into the Icelandic Ship Registry.
List last updated: 13 July 2022
Name of company | Phone | Location | License valid until: | |
HD ehf | 8440313 |
| Vesturvör 36 | 4. nóv 2027 |
HB tækniþjónusta ehf | 8978931 |
| Hvammabraut, Hafnarfirði | With certification from classification society |
Compass corrections
A list of those who have been authorised to inspect and maintain: Compasses and their corrections.
List last updated: 7 November 2022
Name of company | Phone | Location | License valid until: | |
Albert Óskarsson | 456-4584 /897-4584. albertoskars@simnet | Ísafjörður | 20.11.2020 | 20.11.2025 |
Goðahraun ehf Engilbert Ómar Steinsson | 4811313 | Vestmannaeyjum | 21.08.2019 | 21.08.2027 |
Guðmundur G. Guðmundsson | 436-6562/897-6261 | Grundarfjörður | 20.11.2020 | 20.11.2025 |
Sjónbaugur ehf Gunnar H. Guðmundsson | 462-6040 899-6252 | Akureyri | 29.04.2019 | 29.04.2023 |
Útvör ehf. Axel Már Walterson | 699-1300 | Reykjanesbæ | 20.11.2020 | 20.11.2025 |
Ásbjörn Magnússon | | Eskifirði | 21.03.2023 | 21.03 |
The Icelandic Transport Authority defines tasks and supervises the activities of these parties.
The Icelandic Transport Authority defines tasks and supervises the activities of these parties.
Marine equipment service providers need a licence from the Icelandic Transport Authority or a manufacturer of the product to inspect and carry out maintenance. This is reflected in Regulation No. 588/2002 on inflatable life raft service stations and Regulation No. 870/2018 on ship equipment service providers

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority