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Salmonid fisheries enhancement

Salmonid fisheries enhancement programs seek to increase the fish stock size in a lake or river system:

  • planting of embryos

  • juvenile fish release

  • adult fish release

Fisheries enhancement programs are intended to influence natural processes, but it is important to minimize negative effects that such actions may have on ecosystems and natural fish populations.

Freshwater Fisheries Associations or fishing right owners intending to engage in fisheries enhancement program are obligated to prepare a fisheries enhancement plan for submission to Directorate of Fisheries.

The Directorate of Fisheries evaluates the submitted fisheries enhancement plan based on review obtained from the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute. The fisheries enhancement plan is confirm it if it is not considered to cause unacceptable effects on the ecosystem of the respective river or lake.

A confirmed fisheries enhancement plan is valid for five years.

Freshwater Fisheries Association/fishing rights owner must submit information on annual juvenile fish release or other fisheries enhancement measures to the Directorate of Fisheries.

Translocation of fish between watersheds

The translocation of live fish between watersheds is prohibited.

The Directorate of Fisheries can make exception from prohipitation of translocation of fish between watersheds.

Applications for exemptions are processed by the Directorate of Fisheries and evaluated in light of a review by the Fish Disease Committee and a review by the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute: