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Retail permit for nicotine products and e-cigarettes

Selling nicotine products, e-cigarettes or refills for e-cigarettes requires a special license from HMS. After an application has been submitted, a HMS representative will visit the store to ensure compliance with the rules.

Different permits are required for tobacco products and the following information do not apply to them.


  • You want to sell nicotine products, e-cigarettes or refills in a specialized store.

  • You want to sell these products in a general store for example a supermarket.

  • You want to sell these products in an online store.


  • You must have legal autonomy.

  • The business operator, whether it is an individual with his own business or a company, must be registered in the company register.

  • The permit must be paid for, and HMS is authorized to collect an inspection fee for subsequent visits to stores that have already received a permit.


Retail permit for nicotine products and e-cigarettes

Supporting documents

The application must include:

  • Certificate of legal competence from Þjóðskrá.

  • Certificate from the tax office confirming that the business operator is registered in the company register.

Type of store

In the application, you need to mention whether the store is a specialized store, a general store or an online store. For online stores, it must be specified where their stock is located.

Business operator and responsible party

When applying the store’s business operators and responsible parties are registered.

The business operator is the legal entity, company or individual that applies for the permit.

The responsible party is a person who will act as a contact for HMS when they need to communicate with the permit holder.


  • You are the executive authorized to sign on behalf of the company that is registered as business operator and has registered you as the responsible party.

Store inspection

You will receive confirmation that the application has been received. A representative from HMS will contact you by email and send an electronic information brochure about the permit. You can also familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations on our product safety website (Vöruöryggi).

One of our representatives will visit to carry out an inspection. During the inspection compliance to legal requirements will be checked and whether the store meets the requirements for a retail permit.

If the HMS representative notes non conformity the business operator is given the opportunity to correct these items before the permit is issued.


  • Warning labels are missing from the products.

  • Illegal products are for sale.

  • Products are visible in the store when it is not allowed.

After the inspection you will receive a payment slip covering all costs.


The cost of permit for each store consists of ISK 27.224 handling fee plus inspection fee. The inspection fee then consists of an HMS expert’s hourly fee of ISK 18.216 per hour plus incidental costs such as travel costs, as applicable.

HMS is authorized to collect an inspection fee following each inspection to stores that have received a permit.

Permit granted

A permit is granted when all costs have been paid. You will receive an email from HMS confirming the permit and at the same time we will send a printed permit to you by mail. The permit is valid for 4 years.