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Residence allowance for pregnant parents

A residence grant covers the costs of accommodation for a pregnant parent who needs necessary services related to pregnancy and childbirth away from home.


  • It is the estimate of a specialist physician that the service is necessary.

  • The applicant must be entitled to a maternity and paternity leave or birth grant.


The parent must apply for the grant within six months of the date of birth of the child. After that time, the right to the grant is suspended.

Medical certificate

There is no special application for the residence grant. A medical certificate is sent to the Directorate of Labour from the specialist doctor who has cared for the parent. The certificate must also state whether the parent has stayed in a hospital or healthcare institution during that period.

The certificate can be sent here: Submit documents


  • The residence cost may be paid 14 days before the expected date of birth and until the birth.

  • In the case of multiple pregnancies, the cost can be paid 28 days before the expected date of birth and until the birth.

  • Residence allowance is not paid for the time that a pregnant parent stays in a hospital or healthcare institution.


Amount is ISK 38,100 for one day.

Cash and personal allowance

Income tax is deducted from the grant. If an applicant wishes to use their personal tax credit, it must be applied for specifically.

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