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Requirements for distance learning in driving education

1. General

  • The professional and formal minimum requirements are as follows.

  • Course enrolment shall be made with an electronic ID card or other electronic identification.

2. Arrangements

  • The candidate should be informed of the teaching arrangements, the objectives, the structure and the criteria for teaching, as well as the requirements that will be made of him and he can make to the school.

  • The school shall ensure that the student meets the conditions for entering the school.

  • Topics should be defined in the school curriculum and in accordance with the curriculum.

  • The student must finish his/her studies in a subject within 30 days of starting.

3. Technical requirements

  • The presentation must be interactive and automatic.

  • The needs of those who have difficulty reading should be taken into account in all presentations of written language, by enabling students to choose the fonts and colours. Reading should also be available in the form of a web-based textbook.

  • The student shall have the possibility to contact the school's teacher to seek advice or explanations during the course of his studies. Information about the teacher and contact information shall be included on the website. The teacher shall answer to students within 24 hours on weekdays.

  • The driving instructor must have an organised and defined communication between the driving instructor and the school, the driving instructor must be informed of the professional progress of the study (not applicable to the initial training for increased driving rights).

  • The school shall keep a detailed record of all students’ involvement in the program, e.g. how often and when a student enrolls and what he does.

4. Sessions and assessment

  • The distribution of the learning should be in accordance with the instructions of the curriculum.

  • In distance learning, subjects shall be divided into cycles:

  • Each cycle shall normally be equal to two hours of teaching.

  • Each cycle shall form a set of teaching theories on certain aspects of the curriculum in accordance with the school's curriculum.

  • Each cycle shall consist of no less than 10 videos with text, pictures, and projects. Each video shall contain a detailed reference to a subject that the student must study.

  • Before each cycle, the student's knowledge of the material he has acquired must be evaluated, for example, by questions the student must answer. The student must achieve 80% of the results to get on with the project. The student and his teacher should receive the results of this evaluation, as appropriate.

  • From the end of one cycle, there should be at least one day before opening for the next cycle.

  • The sessions should be connected and form a single pedagogical body that can be considered comprehensive and consistent with the curriculum.

  • The school shall, at the end of the course (phase), submit a special test to assess whether the student has achieved the content of the course. The results shall be used to inform the students of their success and to review teaching methods where appropriate.

  • The minimum performance is 80%. There is no need to wait a day between test runs.

  • The school shall confirm the participation of the candidate in the course at the end of the course.

5. Educational material

The candidate shall have access to teaching material, which is in accordance with the objectives defined in the curriculum, through the school.