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Report a security breach to the Data Protection Authority

Report a breach in security (.pdf in Icelandic)


A security breach is a breach in security that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction of personal data that is transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or in the loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access to that data.

Organisations and others who work with personal data

An alert must be made immediately, preferably within 3 days after the safety breach was notified. If the time limit has passed, the reason for the delay must be stated in the notification.

Individuals can send tips about a potential security breach to the Data Protection Authority.

Examples of safety failures

Examples may be when:

  • data is accidentally deleted

  • personal data to be kept secret is published by mistake

  • encryption key, which connects the identities of individuals and encrypted information, is lost.

  • includes breach of confidentiality - unauthorized or mistaken sharing of personal data or unauthorized access to it.

  • leads to information becoming inaccessible – loss of access to personal data or destruction of personal data by mistake or without permission.

  • includes a change to personal data – a change to personal data by mistake or without permission.

If there is doubt as to whether a notification obligation exists, it is recommended to send a notification to the Data Protection Authority or to contact by telephone during opening hours and request instructions.

It is noted that it may be necessary to also inform those individuals who are affected by a safety breach.

Report a breach in security (.pdf in Icelandic)

Data Protection Authority

Contact us

Telephone: (+354) 510 9600

Opening hours

Weekdays from 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm

Telephone consultation on Thursdays from 9 am to 12 pm


Laugavegur 166, 4th floor

105 Reykjavík, Ísland

Identification number: 560800-2820