If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.
To ensure the safety of recreational craft regarding seaworthiness, equipment and navigation, they shall be subject to periodical survey. The inspections are divided into:
Periodical survey
A recreational craft shall be subject to a periodical survey every four years by an authorized inspection body. A list of qualified inspection bodies can be found on the website: Inspection bodies.
Intermediate survey
The craft shall be subjected to annual intermediate survey by an accredited inspection body. Owners of recreational craft of less than 15 metres in length may personally carry out the annual intermediate survey of their own recreational craft, provided that they are not used or intended for hire. Information on annual self-survey of recreational craft can be found on the website: Self- survey of a recreational craft.
All inspections must be carried out according to manuals, inspection reports and instructions by the Icelandic Transport Authority on recreational craft surveys and inspection of safety equipment in accordance with the Regulation No. 377/2007 on live-saving and safety appliances for pleasure craft.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority