Training and recognition of inspectors
Inspectors at vehicle inspection offices must complete training and obtain approval from the Icelandic Transport Authority and an inspectors number in order to be authorized to conduct a qualified inspections. Inspectors training centres must also be approved by the Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA). This is further described in and in reglugerð um skoðun ökutækja and in .
The names of approved inspectors and training centres are published on the website of ICETRA.
ICETRA grants approvals when all conditions are met.
When required information is missing in the application or conditions are not fulfilled, the applicant is informed by email.
Application for initial approval of an inspector
An inspector carrying out a certificated inspection of vehicles shall be approved by ICETRA.
The process
An inspector completes a basic course at a training centre and completes an initial training course at an inspection office. The training centre sends information to the Transportation Authority on those who complete courses.
An inspection body or technical manager shall apply for initial approval of an inspector on behalf of the inspector at ICETRA.
ICETRA reviews the application and assigns to the inspector his initial inspectors number when all requirements are met.
Supporting documents
Confirmation of the person's education.
The driver's license of the person concerned.
Application for a new inspectors number
If an approved inspector is employed at another inspection body, a new inspectors number must be applied for.
The process
The inspection body or the technical manager shall apply for a new inspectors number on behalf of an inspector at ICETRA.
ICETRA reviews the application and assigns the inspector a new inspectors number.
ICETRA invalidates the previous number of the relevant inspector in the vehicle register if that has not already been done.
Supporting documents
The driver's license of the relevant inspector.
Notification from the training centre on course completion
Once the approved training centre for inspectors has completed a course, it shall notify the parties who have completed the training.
The process
An approved training centre sends in a notice of course completion, which contains information about the persons who have completed training according to the curriculum.
ICETRA records the relevant training of the specified persons, whether it is training related to basic approval, re-education or specialized approval of an inspector.
Supporting documents
No special supporting documents need be submitted with the notice of the course’s end.
Application for the approval of an inspector training centre
ICETRA approves training centres for the training of inspectors as detailed in the curriculum. Training centres shall offer at least basic training and retraining for the basic recognition of inspectors.
The process
The representative of the training centre applies for the training centre's approval to ICETRA.
The application and the required supporting documents are reviewed by ICETRA.
The facilities and equipment of the training center is audited by ICETRA.
ICETRA grants initial approval to a training centre once it has evaluated all aspects of the operation as described in the curriculum.
Supporting documents
A report on how the training center intends to meet the requirements for resources and responsibility as described in the curriculum.
The training course curriculum in accordance with the approval applied for.
If a training centre is not a school (e.g. an inspection body), a confirmation of valid certification of a quality system as described in the curriculum must be submitted.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority