Projects closer than 100m to fishing water, which may affect the aquatic environment or facilities for fishing, are subject to a licence from the Directorate of Fisheries.
Examples of projects that may be subject to a licence from the Directorate of Fisheries:
bank protection
collection of materials
fishway construction (salmon ladders)
construction of roads (bridges, drains)
constructions of fishing facilities
power plants
Licence must be obtained before starting the project.
Application supporting documents:
Review from an expert on the possible impact of the project on its biosphere.
Assessment of whether the project complies with the law on water management.
Review by the relevant fishing association/fishing rights owner regarding possible impact on fishing facilities.
Information about the location by fishing lake (maps, coordinates).
In processing applications, the Directorate of Fisheries assesses whether projects are likely to cause damage to the biosphere of freshwater fish stocks or facilities for fishing. The Directorate of Fisheries may request that the developer have a biological survey of fishing water carried out before a decision is taken on granting the permit.
To considerate:
Legal requirements must be met for the landowners concerned before construction begins.
Fishing lakes projects may be subject to an operating permit from the relevant municipality.
Projects in protected areas are subject to authorization by the Environment Agency of Iceland.
Valid permits:
Information on valid permits can be viewed on the Marine ID

Service provider
The Directorate of Fisheries