If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.
Purpose of the one voyage permit
The Icelandic Transport Authority may, if necessary grant a permit for one voyage for a vessel located in Icelandic waters before it is registered to the Icelandic Ship Registry.
A permission for one voyage may be issued for trial purposes if the following applies:
Before the initial inspection
After modifications but before initial inspection
Requirements for a permission for one voyage
Before a one voyage permit is issued for trials, the following inspections must be completed and the results entered in the Icelandic Ship Registry:
Hull inspection
Shaft and rudder inspection
Inspection of machinery and electrical equipment
The following additional items must also be entered in the register:
Inflatable life rafts
Immersion suits
Floatation work suits (ships < 12 m)
Life jackets
Medicine chest
Telecommunications certificates
Fire extinguishers
Navigation lights, test performance
Inflatable life raft painter attached
Hand flares (ship < 15 m)
Anchor, chain and tow
Crew insurance (ship < 20 BT)
Hand pumps, test efficiency

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority