Housing assistance includes assistance to families and individuals who are not able to cope with themselves, housing redress to resolve acute problems while working towards a permanent solution.
Application process
Applicant Applies for Authorisation to GEV.
The GEV will check whether the necessary information and data is included in the application.
A request for comment is sent to the municipality if there is a reason.
The GEV takes a decision on the case and informs the applicant and his municipality of the result.
Application supporting documents
Permission to obtain a criminal record certificate of the applicant
Career of the applicant or the service provider
Operating plan or last annual accounts
Laws and regulations applicable to the license to operate:
- Legislation on Quality and Supervisory Authority of Welfare No. 88/2021
- Legislation on social services of municipalities no. 40/1991

Service provider
Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare