Occupational License from the Department of Health
Individuals who operate licensed activities according to laws and regulations on hygiene, pollution prevention and food must hold a valid work licence.
The department of health issues licenses for the following business operations:
Business activities of the production or distribution of food according to the laws of food
For example: grocery stores, bakeries and restaurants
Business activities that may cause pollution, cf. list annexed to regulation
For example: gas stations, car parks, power stations, fish processing plants and pig farms
Business and institutions providing services to the public under the under laws on Hygiene and Pollution Prevention
For example: swimming pools, schools and health services, cf. Appendix 1 of regulation
The operator must apply for a licence before starting operations. When an application has been submitted by the organisation, the health officer shall examine it. If the operator fulfils the conditions, the application is processed, otherwise the applicant is instructed as to what is lacking.
When applying on behalf of a company or legal entity, the applicant in question must be authorised by a legal entity.

Service provider
ReykjavikurborgRelated organization
The Department of Health in Southern Iceland