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The Financial Management Authority Frontpage

Financial Management Authority

Survey on educational needs - Fjársýsluskólinn

14th January 2025

The Financial Management Authority (Fjársýslan) would like to draw attention to a survey sent to users of Orri systems by e-mail on January 13th. The purpose of the survey is to examine the educational needs of the Financial Management Authority’s customers.

The Financial Management Authority (Fjársýslan) would like to draw attention to a survey sent to users of Orri systems by e-mail on January 13th, the aim of which is to examine the educational needs of the Financial Management Authority's customers.

It is important that as many people as possible respond to the survey so that the project will be successful. The information from the survey, along with other data, will be the basis for the curriculum of the School of Finance, which is to be established during the year.

  • It is not possible to trace individual responses.

  • It is estimated that it will take up to 6 minutes to respond to the survey and it will be completed on January 17.

We encourage all Orra users and other customers to take the survey by clicking here.

The Financial Management Authority

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13

Tel: 545 7500


Katrínartún 6


105 Reykjavík


kt. 540269-7509
