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The National Bioethics Committee Frontpage
The National Bioethics Committee Frontpage

The national bioethics committee

General information on license requirement in the health field

Scientific research in the health field is a research that is conducted to increase knowledge that, among other things, allows for better diagnosis of diseases, improves the health of participants, relieves suffering and cures diseases.

The national bioethics committee (VSN) has the task of evaluating scientific research in the field of health in order to ensure that it is compatible with scientific and ethical considerations. If there is doubt as to whether a scientific research in the field of health is relevant, VSN decides. There have been cases where it has not been clear whether a research is considered a scientific research in the field of health or a social sciences research. In such cases, VSN has sought to evaluate the research in a comprehensive manner, taking into account, among other things, the background of the researcher, the population, the purpose and the objective of the research. If the purpose and objective of a research is to increase knowledge, which, among other things, makes it possible to improve health and cure diseases, VSN has considered that the relevant research falls within the remit of VSN (or, where appropriate, VSN for health research). Examples of research where health and social sciences overlap are, for example, research on the well-being and health of schoolchildren.

It may be difficult to draw a clear line between health research and social sciences, as it is common for research and surveys in social sciences to also address issues related to health and well-being. When applications for authorization for such research have been submitted to the Scientific Ethics Committee, it has generally considered them, particularly in the case of questions concerning health information on vulnerable groups. It can be assumed that the choice of either side depends largely on the background of the investigator.

  • If the researchers are considered healthcare professionals, it can be assumed that the research is a scientific study in the field of health.

  • If the researchers have a background in social sciences, it can also be assumed that a research is considered to be a social sciences research and therefore does not fall within the competence of the national bioethics committee.

The national bioethics committee shall evaluate collaborative projects, multinational studies, clinical pharmaceutical studies and other programmes for scientific research in the field of health that are not within the scope of the Ethical Committees for Health Research under Article 11 of the Law on Scientific Research in the field of Health.

A scientific study in the field of health may not be initiated unless the national bioethics committee or the ethics committee for health research has granted the authorization for the study.

The national bioethics committee or the ethics committee for health research shall evaluate the research programme of a scientific study from the scientific, ethical and human rights perspective. The national bioethics committee and the ethics committee for health research may impose a certain condition on the authorization of a study.

Application for general research

The National Bioethics Committee


Borgartún 21, 4th floor


+354 551 7100

kt. 680800-2510

Phone hours

From 10am to 2 pm