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National Archives of Iceland Frontpage

National Archives of Iceland

Satisfied guests at Safnanótt

10th February 2025

Around 60 guests visited the National Archives on Friday 7 February and participated in a program dedicated to dissidents and punk in Icelandic society.

Museum Night at the National Archives 2025

Documents on dissidents at various times in Icelandic history can be found in the National Archives and several different examples of insurrection were on display at Safnanótt.

Among the items visitors could view was one of the clubs used during the 1932 Gútto-slag, when the union was in a state of emergency between the workers and the police in Reykjavík. Among the items on display were a mass email against whaling that was sent from abroad to the Prime Minister’s Office, one of Jóhanna Knudsen’s memoirs with her reports on young girls in the “situation”, the church book that records Helgi Hóseasson’s baptism, his rhymes about Ésa Kryssti, a court book that traced theft cases against Ísleifur Jóhannesson, a notorious rebellion that was ongoing at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.

The exhibition showed the Utangarðsmenn and other punks’ tour in 1981 through Iceland, the Nordic countries and the Netherlands, playing in nearly 60 venues, as well as the members’ notebook and plane tickets.

Guests were also able to get to know the craftivism movement around the world, which Sigrún Bragadóttir craftivist introduced, as well as her own craftsmanship. Guests could then take home a starter pack at Sigrún’s invitation to find their own family in craftsmanship.

The program also included very interesting lectures by historian and poet Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir and historian Vilhelm Vilhelmsson, which sparked lively discussions among the guests. Read more about their lectures .

Last but not least, the klezmerband Mandólín performed international songs of dissident with great elegance. We thank everyone very much for coming to the Museum Night!