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ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation Frontpage

ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation

Visit from Swedac

8th November 2024

On October 29th – 31st, ISAC received a visit from our partners at Swedac.

Swedac heimsókn

Visit to the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. From left: Ingvi Már Pálsson, MCB Director General, Steindór Dan Jensen, MCB Senior Legal Adviser, Borghildur Erlingsdóttir, Director General ISIPO, Sigrún Brynja Einarsdóttir, MCB Permanent Secretary, Ulf Hammarström, Swedac Director General, Stina Benderix, Head of the Swedac Accreditation Department, Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir, ISAC Manager.

On October 29th – 31st, ISAC received a visit from our partners at Swedac. Swedac Director General Ulf Hammarström and Stina Benderix, Head of Accreditation at Swedac, came to Iceland to meet with ISAC and discuss various collaboration projects for the coming year.

They also participated in a discussion meeting at the Landspítali University Hospital, where the hospital’s experience with laboratory accreditation and future plans in this area were presented.

Finally, a visit was made to the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs (MCB), where representatives of the Ministry, ISAC and Swedac exchanged views on the experience with the ISAC-Swedac cooperation agreement signed in 2022, and the future vision of accreditation in Iceland.

ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation


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105 Reykjavík


Phone: +354 580 9400

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