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ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation Frontpage

ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation

Positive result of peer evaluation

27th June 2024

ISAC's operations were peer evaluated by EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) on 17-21 June. Such a peer evaluation is a prerequisite for the mutual recognition of accreditation and conformity assessment among the members of EA.

ISAC, the Icelandic Board for Technical Accreditation - Logo

ISAC was visited by peer evaluators from the national accreditation bodies of Portugal and Austria, who evaluated ISAC’s activities, its quality system, documentation and procedures, as well as attending ISAC's witnessing assessment of one inspection body.

At the closing meeting with ISAC's staff on Friday, 21 June, where a representative of the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs was also present, the evaluators announced their conclusion to recommend ISAC's continued status as signatory of the EA Multilateral agreement on mutual recognition, as ISAC meets all EA requirements with regard to the accreditation of inspection bodies.

The peer evaluators also identified some aspects of ISAC's operations and framework that need to be improved. The task of ISAC's staff in the coming months will be to process the suggestions and implement and draw up a plan for necessary improvements, where appropriate with the involvement of the ministry.


From left: Bryndís R. Sigurjónsdóttir, ISAC officer, Ágúst Þór Jónsson, Chair of the Advisory Council, Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir, ISAC Manager, Hermann Schaufler from Austria, Leopoldo Cortez from Portugal, Ingvi Már Pálsson, Director, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir, ISAC officer and Borghildur Erlingsdóttir, Director of the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office.

Positive outcome of peer review - Photo 2

From left: Bryndís R. Sigurjónsdóttir, Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir, Hermann Schaufler, Leopoldo Cortez and Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir.

Positive outcome of peer review - Photo 2

From left Hermann Schaufler, Leopoldo Cortez and Ingvi Már Pálsson.

Positive outcome of peer review - Photo 4

From left: Guðrún Helga Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir, Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir and Bryndís R. Sigurjónsdóttir.

ISAC - Icelandic Service for Accreditation


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