New staff
12th June 2024
New staff have started working at ISAC, the Icelandic Service for Accreditation.

Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir has taken over as Director of ISAC, the Icelandic Service for Accreditation. Sólveig began working at ISAC 2023 and took over as Director in March 2024. Sólveig previously worked for years at the Swedish National Accreditation Body, Swedac. She has more than 30 years of experience in quality management, mostly at private companies in Sweden.
Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir began working as an officer at ISAC in May. Guðrún was a Senior Officer at the EFTA Secretariat in Brussels for six years. Before that she was the Director of Icelandic Standards for 20 years. She has been working on standardisation and related issues since 1991.
Bryndís Rós Sigurjónsdóttir began working as an officer at ISAC in June. Bryndís was a specialist in the operations department at the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office for six years and has performed various tasks at the agency, including as the team leader of a quality team that redesigned and implemented a new quality system. Before that Bryndís used to live and work in the UK.