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Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare Frontpage

Quality and Supervisory Authority of Welfare

Start of work on quality criteria for social services

31st May 2024

Great participation from a large number of participants was at the GEV workshop on quality criteria in social services. A lot of work was done and lively discussions took place which will be a contribution to the improvement of the service.

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The first GEV workshop on the development of quality criteria for social services in Iceland was held today, May 31, 2024 at Nauthól in Reykjavík. The workshop was attended by about 70 individuals from 38 municipalities, institutions or interest groups. CEO of GEV Herdís Gunnarsdóttir gave an introductory speech on the professional approach to the development of quality criteria based on the needs of service users, quality, value and measurement of the results of service. Gudmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour addressed the group and discussed, among other things, that quality criteria are official criteria that we use to assess how we approach the needs of users in social services and ensure safety and quality. The organized work took place as experts from GEV led with predefined projects and direct participation of all workshop guests.

The development of quality criteria in social services is one of the key tasks that GEV is responsible for. We at GEV are very committed to the development of quality criteria in good cooperation with stakeholders and based on the best possible knowledge, so it was extremely pleasing to see how much participation was alive and well today.

Quality criteria are the foundation of quality in services and are intended to be a guideline both in the monitoring of the service and in the granting of permits. They are also an indication of the best approach by municipalities and other service providers in providing social services with the aim of promoting increased quality and safety in all services. The structure and organization of social services, processes for the service provided and communications affect the quality outcomes and the measurable results that are obtained from the service.

This first workshop will be the basis for continued work in the coming term and further work will be carried out on the quality criteria this coming autumn.

Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare

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108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100

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Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100