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Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare Frontpage

Quality and Supervisory Authority of Welfare

Annual meeting 2024

23rd May 2024

Annual meeting of GEV 2024


The annual meeting of GEV was held in early May 2024. Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, addressed the meeting and reviewed the important tasks of the Quality and Supervision Agency for Welfare Services (GEV), new projects for the future, and GEV's key role in the development of quality criteria in social services. Quality criteria are critical to enhancing safety in all services and setting out guidance requirements and criteria for policy areas in the field of welfare services. The director of the agency, Herdís Gunnarsdóttir, reviewed what has been achieved in the development of the new agency and the progress that has already been made with the advent of GEV. The agency, which has now completed its second year of operations, is critical in promoting quality and safety in welfare services in Iceland and has a selection of professionals and experts. In the past few years, there has been a significant improvement in handling cases, supervisory tasks, operating license issues, process work, and service to our service recipients. The director reviewed why it is crucial to increase the quality of service and measure the value of welfare services for society and individuals. To make this possible, digital infrastructure and documentation must be built to create quality indicators and outcome measurements that are useful for improvement. Sigríður Dagmar Jóhannsdóttir, senior lawyer for GEV, reviewed the supervisory role of the agency, Íris Dögg Lárusdóttir, the team manager of the GEV supervisory team reviewed how initiative observations have been used to strengthen the municipalities' internal supervision and Tryggvi Þór Jóhannsson, the team manager of the operating license team reviewed changes in the issue of licenses at the state and municipalities with the advent of GEV. Tinna Björg Sigurðardóttir, GEV's operational and quality manager, chaired the meeting. Many good guests came to the meeting, and we thank everyone for participating. We continue to expect excellent cooperation with the many parties GEV is cooperating with.

Herdís Gunnarsdóttir, CEO of GEV.

Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare

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Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100

Contact us

Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100