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Directorate of Education and School Services Frontpage

The Directorate of Education and School Services

We call for participants in the preparation of support material for the subject areas of the national curriculum for compulsory schools

22nd August 2024

This is a temporary and limited project that could last for about eight weeks, September-October 2024. This time we will be looking for supporting material for the subjects Icelandic, natural sciences and foreign languages (Danish and English). Project group will be set up for each subject.

logo aðalnámskrá grunnskóla

We look for people who have good knowledge of the national curriculum for elementary schools, are committed to a competence-based education and teaching, have a very good insight into the organization of education and teaching of some of the subjects in question, work within the school community, have knowledge and teaching experience in the youngest, middle and/or junior grades of elementary schools, have excellent communication skills and have a good working together.

The project is location-specific and we encourage people from all over the country to request participation. We will try to select in the project groups people with the widest possible knowledge, experience and involvement in the subject.

The project is paid for according to the rates of the Centre for Education and School Services.

Applicants should fill out the form in the link.

Applications can be submitted until midnight on Wednesday 28 August.

Inquiries for the project are sent to

Please note that you need to speak Icelandic fluently to apply.

Directorate of Education and School Services

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Opening hours

Monday to Thursday:
09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00


Víkurhvarf 3

203 Kópavogur

Kennitala: 660124-1280