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Directorate of Education and School Services Frontpage

The Directorate of Education and School Services

Guide to welfare and safety in preschools

24th September 2024

The Ministry of Education and Children has now entrusted the Directorate of Education and School Services to provide the provision, updating and supervision of electronic manuals that address the safety and welfare of children in pre- and primary schools. These manuals provide guidance and support to school staff in the preparation of safety manuals, safety plans and response plans for pre-schools.

Handbók um öryggi

The first handbook, Handbook on the welfare and safety of children in preschools, is based on the original material from Herdís Storgaard and Þorlákur Helgason, which was published in 2014.

The revision and updating of the handbook has been carried out in collaboration with the Icelandic Transportation Authority, the Association of Local Authorities and the Directorate of Health. The goal is to present important information in an accessible way and thus to promote the safety of children in school and to help preschools to comply with laws and regulations.

The handbook is divided into eleven main chapters, which cover safety, welfare of children, cyber security, accident prevention and much more.

Directorate of Education and School Services

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