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Directorate of Education and School Services Frontpage

The Directorate of Education and School Services

Changes to the Icelandic reading fluency test

2nd September 2024

The staff of the Directorate of Education and School Services is currently reviewing the reading proficiency tests that are being given to students in primary schools, and most of them are familiar with them. The review will take place in several steps, but the first change is that this September, students in grades 4 and 5 will take the same test, grades 6 and 7 will take the same test, and there will be one test for the junior level.

Lesfimi MMS

This change does not affect how the test is submitted. It is also correct to state that even if the same test is submitted more than once, there is a sufficient time between the tests to avoid training effects.

The fact that students now take the same test more often has the advantage of making it easier to monitor their status and progress. It is however worth noting that when students read a new test, such as a student who moves from grade 7 to 8 this fall, the number of words read per minute can be expected to stand still or decrease slightly. This could be because the new text is heavier. We remind them that good reading skills are the foundation of all learning and in this case, as in others, motivation and parental role models are important.

Directorate of Education and School Services

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