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The Financial Management Authority Procurement Frontpage
The Financial Management Authority Procurement Frontpage

The Financial Management Authority (Public Procurement)

Work request for Public Procurement

Work request The Financial Management Authority, procurement division

A work request is due to:

Choose the reason for the work request

Category of purchases

Select the category under which the purchases are classified.

Is there a cost estimate?

What is the estimated cost of the purchase (per purchase or per year) if it is not an individual purchase) excluding VAT.

The buyer undertakes to pay The Financial Management Authority for the requested and provided services according to the organization's tariff at any time based on time registration. In the event of a dispute regarding a decision during the selection of bids between Public Procurement as tender coordinator and the buyer, the dispute may be referred to the Ministry of Finance and Economy. The buyer guarantees the payment of all court costs, compensation claims and all other costs that may be incurred, incl. due to appeals and lawsuits both before the tender appeal committee and the courts, in connection with this project. The buyer pays compensation for mistakes in tenders and other procurement processes. The Financial Management Authority provides advice, but the buyer himself is responsible for the final implementation of tender documents and the procurement process. The buyer has familiarized himself with the standards of good practice in public procurement and the provisions of the General Penal Code on accepting bribes. In the case of a part A organization, the buyer confirms that he has familiarized himself with regulation no. 643/2018 on the preparation, execution and follow-up of contracts for construction, operation and defined projects and also confirms that it meets its requirements. ​

Confirmation of power of attorney

It can take up to two weeks from the date of the work order until work on the project begins.

The Financial Management Authority Procurement

Contact us

Tel: 545-7500


Opening hours


Katrínartúni 6
105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540269-7509