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The Financial Management Authority Procurement Frontpage

The Financial Management Authority (Public Procurement)

Transforming public services with artificial intelligence discussed at NHO24

21st May 2024

On 15 May, the annual Innovation Day for Public Sector was held at Hilton Nordica, with a full room of public innovation enthusiasts.

The emphasis on policy and action-oriented improvement in using artificial intelligence is what is needed to improve public services in Iceland.

The topic of the day was public use of artificial intelligence. The need for a robust technical infrastructure, cooperation within and between administrative levels and experiences of, among other things, practical AI solutions in healthcare, law enforcement and tax administration were discussed. The following key points of emphasis indicate how the public sector can make progress in this area:

Good data helps efficiency and improve service quality

Artificial intelligence and data management are key factors in increasing the efficiency of public services. Knowledge of data science and a strong information technology and computer infrastructure are essential factors in supporting this public sector development and ensuring reliable and efficient services.

Innovation partnerships

Transparent public-private partnerships with innovative companies can greatly enhance digital capabilities, improve user-friendly services and modernise technology infrastructure. Such partnerships with leading market players are an essential precursor to the continuous deployment of AI.

Artificial intelligence in all policy areas

AI is being used in several parts of the public sector, but it is still being used in many other areas and at both levels of government. Increased innovation awareness and active dialogue within the public sector is a good way to promote the use of AI.

The event in full can be seen below.

Photos from the day

The Financial Management Authority Procurement

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