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Notification of independent operation of speech pathologists and relocation of the establishment

A speech pathologist who starts work

Speech therapists who are beginning work must submit the required documents to Iceland Health and receive confirmation from the institution before starting work. The documents are:

  • Notice of independent operation

  • A copy of the speech pathologist's accreditation

  • Confirmation of patient insurance

  • Confirmation of voluntary liability insurance

  • Agreement between Iceland Health and the user regarding connection to Iceland Health information system

  • The Directorate of Health confirms that the speech pathologist concerned meets the professional minimum requirements for the operation of the healthcare service that was reported (should be available before the operation begins)

Transfer to another establishment

If a speech therapist intends to move to another establishment, the following information must be available before the person concerned starts working in a new place.

  • Notice of independent operation

  • The Directorate of Health's confirmation that the speech pathologist concerned meets the professional minimum requirements for the operation of the healthcare service that was reported (should be available before the operation begins in the establishment where the speech pathologist is transferring his/her activities).

  • Confirmation of voluntary liability insurance

  • Confirmation of patient insurance

To open a new speech pathologist’s office, the following must be fulfilled:

Applications must be submitted to Iceland Health for permission to open a new clinic. The documents that must be submitted with an application are:

  • Drawings of the proposed workshop with information on location

  • A copy of the Directorate of Health's approval that the operation of the clinic meets professional minimum requirements in accordance with regulation no. 786/2007 on the Directorate of Health's supervision of the operation of health services and professional minimum requirements

  • Confirmation of establishment of an enterprise (a speech pathologist's office) from the company register

  • In the case of housing in the ownership of public bodies, the lease must be returned.

When all documents have been received by Iceland Health, it is assessed whether the relevant office meets the conditions set out in the agreement between Iceland Health and speech therapists. The owner of the office is sent a letter confirming that the office is approved by Iceland Health. The office in question may not start working until such authorization has been given by the Iceland Health.

Information about practicing speech therapists can be found on the website of speech therapists

Service provider

Ice­land Health

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