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Nurse trainer who has a job or moves to another establishment

Physical therapist who are starting work

Physical therapists must request membership of the contract with six months notice according to the contract. Contact the Iceland Health through the website here. After that you will receive an e-mail requesting the following data by e-mail:

  • Notice of independent operation

  • Agreement between Iceland Health and the user regarding connection to Iceland Health information system

  • Copy of the license of the physiotherapist from the Directorate of Health

  • Confirmation of adequate occupational assurance

  • Operational license from the Directorate of Health

  • If a physiotherapist is opening a new room, see the checklist for that application .

When all the required documents have been received and reviewed by the department of health insurance, the person concerned is sent a link by e-mail to apply to join the contract between the Health Insurance and the Physician's Association. The application must be completed and submitted. The application goes to the contracting department for review and approval. If the application is approved by the contracting department, a second link is sent to sign the contract, this is done with electronic identification.

When registration is completed, the correspondence is sent to a data portal, where the transaction number and bank account paid in are stated, as well as the business number of the establishment. This information must be submitted to Data (Gagni) in order to submit invoices.

Invoices cannot be submitted until registration is completed in the Iceland Health system

Transfer to another establishment

You can contact the Iceland Health through the website here. After that you will receive an email requesting the following data by email:

  • Notice of independent operation

  • Confirmation of adequate occupational assurance

  • Operational license from the Directorate of Health

  • If a physiotherapist is opening a new room, see the checklist for that application .

When all required data has been received and reviewed by the health service department, the person's registration is changed in the Health Insurance Schemes. Information on a change must be submitted to Data so that it is possible to submit invoices.

Invoices cannot be submitted until registration is completed in Iceland Health system.

Changes to operations - registration of the physiotherapists' company

You can contact the Iceland Health through the website here. After that you will receive an email requesting the following data by email:

  • Operational license from the Directorate of Health

  • Copy of registration from the company register

When all required data has been received and reviewed by the health service department, the person's registration is changed in the Health Insurance Schemes. Information on a change must be submitted to Data so that it is possible to submit invoices.

Invoices cannot be submitted until registration is completed in Iceland Health system.

Service provider

Ice­land Health