Longline discount
Day rowing boats on line fishing can, subject to compliance with the rules on longline discount, land catches in excess of the catch limit for cod, haddock and catfish. However, this authorization is limited to a certain maximum in each species and defined time period.
No other fishing gear may be may be on board the boat.
If the line has been applied on land, 20% may be exceeded by the catch calculated as a quota.
If the line has been shuffled up on land, 15% may be exceeded in the catch calculated as a quota.
The boat shall arrive for landing within 24 hours of the start of the fishing trip.
The boat's automatic notification system must be activated.
The operator announces in advance, the beginning of the period in which longline fishing with a line that is applied on land or that is shuffled up on land, is planned.
The notification shall remain valid until otherwise notified by the operator.
The notifications are to be sent by email to linuivilnun@fiskistofa.is and they must include the register number of the vessel.
The captain must ensure that when weighing and recording the catch on the harbor scale the fishing gear is a landed line or a line drifter is registered as the catching gear in the GAFL catch recording system.
Note that an email application is only considered to be received if the Directorate of Fisheries automatic confirmation of the reception has been received by the sender.

Service provider
The Directorate of Fisheries