Information about general aviation
Information about general aviation
Flight plan and passenger lists
A flight plan must be submitted for:
all flights or portions of a flight to be provided with air traffic control service
all IFR flights
all international flights
flights wishing to receive alert service
When operating from one uncontrolled aerodrome to another, no flight plan is required. If that flight is requesting alerting service, a flight plan must be submitted.
See Iceland AIP ENR 1.10 for more information about flight plans.
General good practices:
submit a flight plan for all flights, whether or not they are required to be provided with air traffic control service
Leave information about passengers on board at the place of departure in the event of a plane crash or loss
always inform a friend or family member of the planned flight and the planned time of landing.
If for any reason it is difficult or impossible to leave a flight plan and passenger lists on paper at the point of departure, you may:
send a text message to a phone
send an e-mail to the flight club, friend or family member
with a flight plan and a passenger list which would then be accessible if needed.
If no flight plan is filed and the accident occurs, there is a risk that help will be delayed if no one is aware of the flight in question.
Part-NCO does not require the pilot-in-command to perform mass and balance calculations for each flight. Nevertheless, it is very important to make these calculations before taking off, especially if the load of the aircraft is close to the maximum permissible weight. Many plane crashes can be directly attributed to the aircraft being overloaded or incorrectly loaded before take-off.
Part-NCO of Regulation no. 965/2012 (according to amending regulation no. 800/2013), article NCO.GEN.105, states:
"The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for only commencing a flight if he/she is satisfied that all operational limitations referred to in 2.a.3 of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 are complied with, as follows:
iv. the mass of the aircraft and the centre of gravity location is such that the flight can be conducted within limits prescribed in the airworthiness documentation;"
Doing a load sheet is one way for a pilot-in-command to ensure that the aircraft's mass and balance is within the limitations. For small aircraft, you could for example prepare in advance a few load sheets applicable to common configurations (2 passengers + full tanks, 2 adults + 2 children + 30 USG fuel, etc.). There are also smartphone apps where you can do mass and balance calculations for small aircraft.
Part-NCO does not require the pilot-in-command to perform performance calculations before each flight. However Part-NCO of regulation 965/2012 (according to amending regulation no. 800/2013), article NCO.POL.110, states:
"The pilot-in-command shall only operate the aircraft if the performance is adequate to comply with the applicable rules of the air and any other restrictions applicable to the flight, the airspace or the aerodromes or operating sites used, taking into account the charting accuracy of any charts and maps used."
The pilot-in-command must be confident that the aircraft's performance is sufficient, i.e. that the aircraft can take off and land within the runway to be used. Of course, this also applies to the take-off climb performance. In a lightly loaded aircraft during take-off or landing on a long runway, it is easy to be sure of the aircraft's capabilities. However, when the weight of the aircraft approaches the maximum allowable weight or the runway is short, grass or gravel, or covered with snow, it is important to calculate the take-off weight and use the performance tables in the Aircraft Flight Manual to ensure that it is possible to take off or land on the runway.
See also Landings and takeoffs on grass runways and porous gravel runways.
It is not permitted to fly with fare-paying passengers in Iceland unless holding an Air Operator Certificate (AOC). However, the cost of private flying can be shared up to a certain extent.
In Article 6 of regulation no. 965/2012 (according to amending regulation no. 379/2014) states:
"4a. By way of derogation from Article 5(1) and (6), the following operations with other-than-complex motor-powered aeroplanes and helicopters, may be conducted in accordance with Annex VII:
(a) cost-shared flights by private individuals, on the condition that the direct cost is shared by all the occupants of the aircraft, pilot included and the number of persons sharing the direct costs is limited to six;"
‘Direct cost' means the cost directly incurred in relation to a flight, e.g. fuel, airfield charges, rental fee for an aircraft. There is no element of profit.
Laws and rules
Iceland is a member of EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency.
The regulation that applies to air operations is regulation no. 965/2012 and its amendments. The part that applies to general aviation with small aircraft common in Iceland is Part-NCO (Non-Commercial operations with other than complex-motor-powered-aircraft). The regulation is available with its latest amendments here on the EASA website.
For aircraft not covered by the EASA Regulation
Aircraft that have not received an EASA type certificate and amateur built aircraft.
Reglugerðir um almannaflug nr. 694/2010 fyrir aeroplanes
Reglugerð nr. 695/2010 for helicopters
It is important to know the regulations that apply to the aircraft that is being flown, as the difference can be quite substantial. For example, fuel requirements are somewhat different between the regulations.
EASA type certificate
EASA publishes lists covering all aircraft that are issued an EASA type certificate.
The following aircraft are not issued type certificate by EASA
Amateur-built aircraft and ultralights
Aircraft of which initial design was established before 1 January 1955 and production ceased before 1 January 1975.
Aircraft designed or modified for research or experiment use, and produced in limited numbers.
Military aircraft.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority