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Housing for the elderly

Older people need to consider whether their housing is suitable when their physical skills may diminish. Therefore, it is important that older people can acquire and or rent housing according to their needs. A variety of forms of residence are available, but residents who have been assessed as needing support are entitled to home care and home support services regardless of their form of residence.

Serviced and other residential apartments for older people are either self-owned, rented or residence rights apartments.

Different forms of residence are available for older people.

Social rented premises

Municipalities ensure the availability of rental housing for older people and others who cannot acquire housing in other ways.

Criteria are set for who has the right to such housing, such as age, legal domicile, not owning housing and income. Municipalities often offer special housing support.

Housing for older people 60+

Housing for older people is offered on the free market. Often, they are based near nursing homes or community centres for older people. Facilities in these dwellings and services available to residents may vary.

These apartments are privately owned, rented or residence rights apartments and can be found in real estate agents and rental companies nationwide.

Serviced apartments

Serviced apartments are intended for those who need more services than can be obtained in their homes without needing a nursing home. A security system shall be provided in apartments and available for various services, such as food, cleaning and access to social activities.

Information on the provision of serviced apartments, costs and applications is to be obtained from the welfare and social services in each municipality.

Property tax

Municipalities may reduce or eliminate property expenditures for low-income older people. The reduction is proportional and based on income for the past year, according to tax returns.

It is essential to check the property fees of older people in your local authority.

Housing Benefit

It is worth checking whether tenants are entitled to housing benefits.

Worth checking

  • Berg Bolungarvík

  • In Árborg, where the nursing home is located, there are also partly apartments and social facilities for older people. Housing options and apartments for older people in Árborg are owned by the municipality.

  • Búfesti is a housing cooperative in Akureyri and Húsavík. Búfesti is an exciting option for families and individuals of all ages. The properties are of various sizes and types.

  • Búseti is a Nordic-style housing cooperative. Residence is an exciting option for families and individuals of all ages. The properties are of various sizes and types in the capital area.

  • Brynja leigufélag is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to buy, own and operate residential housing for the disabled. The company strives to rent apartments for an equally modest fee.

  • Eir öryggisíbúðir, Eir offers quality apartments and housing with the goal that residents can live independently and stay at home as long as possible with access to security and services if needed.

  • Associations of senior citizens in Reykjavík and the surrounding area have built apartments over the years.

  • Heimavellir offer custom-designed rental apartments for 55 and over.

  • Leigufélag aldraðra is a non-profit organization run without profit. The company's goal is to ensure that as many people as possible who have reached the age of 60 have suitable housing for rent.

  • Mörkin 60+ has apartments for older people with a right of residence arrangement.

  • Naustavör – leiguíbúðir 60+ there, people are offered independent living in apartments that take into account the needs of older people, and it is easy to access services and social activities.

  • Samtök aldraðra Apartments for sale have the main purpose of building suitable apartments for the elderly.

  • Reykjavík serviced apartments are rental apartments for people aged 67 and older. The apartments are for people who need more support than can be provided in their own home.

  • Íbúðir fyrir eftirlaunafólk