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Long-term visa for remote work

Application for long-term visa for remote work

A long-term visa for remote work permits them to stay in Iceland for 90 to 180 days for the purpose of working remotely.

Remote work refers to the organization and delivery of work utilizing information technology, where the applicant will deliver their work to an operating location outside of Iceland. Holders of long-term visa for remote work are not allowed to work for local employers or in any other way participate in the Icelandic labor market. Such jobs require the issuance of a residence and work permit.

Spouses/partners and children may be issued long-term visas as family members of a remote worker.

The holder of a long-term visa for remote work will not be issued an Icelandic ID number (kennitala).

Processing fee

The fee for an application for a long-term visa for remote work is ISK 12,200, see information on how to pay the processing fee.


You can be issued a long-term visa for remote work if you fulfill all the following conditions:

  • you are from a country outside the EEA/EFTA

  • you do not need a visa to enter the Schengen area

  • you have not been issued a long-term visa in the past twelve months from the Icelandic authorities

  • the purpose of the stay is to work remotely from Iceland, either
    - as an employee of a foreign company or
    - as a self-employed worker.

  • it is not your intention to settle in Iceland

  • you can show a foreign income of ISK 1,000,000 per month or ISK 1,300,000 if you also apply for a spouse or cohabiting partner.

Spouses and cohabiting partners may be issued long-term visas as family members of remote workers, if they are exempt from the visa obligation.

Children of remote workers or their spouse/partner may be issued long-term visas as family members of remote workers, if they are under the age of 18 and exempt from the visa obligation.

Duration of validity

If you apply from your country of residence and do not come to Iceland before a decision is made on granting a visa, you may be issued a long-term visa for remote work for up to 180 days.

If you apply after you enter the Schengen area, you can be issued a long-term visa for remote work for up to 90 days.

Territorial validity

With a long-term visa for remote work you can stay in other Schengen states for a period of up to 90 days over a period of 180 days.

Application process

Applications can only be submitted in paper form.

They can either be sent by regular mail to the Directorate of Immigration or delivered to the drop box in the Directorate’s reception. It is necessary to first pay the processing fee by bank transfer and submit the payment receipt with the application for confirmation, see information on how to pay the processing fee.

Directorate of Immigration (see map)
Dalvegur 18
201 Kópavogur

Applications can also be handed in and paid for in the Directorate’s reception or at the offices of District Commissioners outside the capital area.

If the Directorate of Immigration does not receive satisfactory documents with the application, this may lead to delays of the procedure or in the application being rejected. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents if necessary.

If you meet the conditions for a long-term visa for remote work, you will receive a confirmation from the Directorate of Immigration.

You must contact the Directorate of Immigration after arriving in Iceland for the visa to be issued. The visa shall be valid from the date of its issue.

Supporting documents for remote workers

  1. Payment receipt.

  2. Passport photo (35x45 mm) not older than 6 months.

  3. Copy of passport.

    • Valid at least 90 days beyond the duration of the visa.

    • A photocopy must be of:
      - personal information page
      - signature page
      - visas
      - entry and exit stamps into and out of the Schengen area during the last year.

  4. Health insurance. If you are not insured with an Icelandic insurance company, detailed information on insurance from your home country must be included. A copy of an insurance policy must contain information on where the insurance in question is valid and for how long.

  5. Documents confirming the purpose of the stay in Iceland, either

    • confirmation from the employer stating that you are authorised to perform your work remotely in Iceland, or

    • confirmation that you are verifiably self-employed in the country in which you have permanent residence or work normally.

  6. Confirmation that your income from remote working will correspond to ISK 1,000,000 per month.

    • An employee can present an employment contract with information on the monthly salary. As a self-employed person you can show a contract for the project(s) you intend to work on remotely and the agreed payment(s).

    • Note, if you are also applying for a spouse or cohabiting partner the income for the remote work must correspond to ISK 1,300,000 per month.

  7. If necessary, the Directorate of Immigration may request a criminal record certificate.

Supporting documents for spouse/partner

  1. Payment receipt.

  2. Passport photo (35x45 mm) not older than 6 months.

  3. Copy of passport.

    • Valid at least 90 days beyond the duration of the visa.

    • A photocopy must be of:
      - personal information page
      - signature page
      - visas
      - entry and exit stamps into and out of the Schengen area during the last year.

  4. Health insurance. If you are not insured with an Icelandic insurance company, detailed information on insurance from your home country must be included. A copy of an insurance policy must contain information on where the insurance in question is valid and for how long.

  5. A marriage certificate or documents confirming that the cohabitation has lasted for at least one year.

A copy of certificates must be submitted. The Directorate of Immigration can, however, request originals and or legal confirmation. See information on document requirements if necessary.

Supporting documents for child

  1. Payment receipt.

  2. Passport photo (35x45 mm) not older than 6 months.

  3. Copy of passport.

    • Valid at least 90 days beyond the duration of the visa.

    • A photocopy must be of:
      - personal information page
      - signature page
      - visas
      - entry and exit stamps into and out of the Schengen area during the last year.

  4. Health insurance. If you are not insured with an Icelandic insurance company, detailed information on insurance from your home country must be included. A copy of an insurance policy must contain information on where the insurance in question is valid and for how long.

  5. Birth certificate.

  6. Custody documents. Only custodial parents may apply for a residence permit for their child. The following documents may illustrate who has custody of a child:

    • Custody documents issued by a competent authority, for example, a district commissioner or a court of law. Such documents should not be older than six months. If more than one person holds custody of a child, a copy of a certified statement by the parent, who does not live in Iceland, that he/she agrees to the child being granted a long-term visa in Iceland must also be submitted.

    • Divorce papers. If the parents of a child are divorced, and divorce papers state who has custody of a child, such documents are considered as sufficient confirmation of custody.

    • Death certificate. If a child’s parent is deceased and the surviving parent holds sole custody of the child, a certified copy of the death certificate is considered as sufficient confirmation of custody.

  7. Documents regarding a child's education. The application of a child aged 6 to 16 must be accompanied by a written confirmation stating

    • that the child receives remote instruction from a school in the home country

    • that a school in Iceland has agreed to enroll the child, or

    • that the child receives home schooling or instruction.

A copy of certificates must be submitted. The Directorate of Immigration can, however, request originals and or legal confirmation. See information on document requirements if necessary.

Laws and regulations

Foreign Nationals Act, No. 80/2016
Regulation on Foreign Nationals, No. 540/2017

Application for long-term visa for remote work