Electronic IDs and data protection
Electronic IDs are personal identification documents used in the electronic world. Identifying yourself with an electronic ID is equivalent to presenting a personal identification document.
Electronic IDs can be used for a validated signature and it is equivalent to a self-signature.
Electronic IDs can be private or professional. Private electronic IDs are intended for individuals to identify themselves online and sign documents electronically.
The website skilriki.is, maintained by Auðkenni, contains all the main information about electronic IDs.
IceKey is a password that is connected to an individual's or legal entity's social security number. IceKey is issued by the National Registry of Iceland. Please note that the use of IceKey is on the decline and electronic IDs have largely taken over as a means of identification.
It has been generally considered that in practice, when accessing sensitive personal data, such as health information, the IceKey alone is not sufficient to ensure the security of that information. In these cases, electronic ID has been required.