Diving requirements
-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.
All divers who are involved in diving in Icelandic waters and from a ship registered in Iceland, must meet the qualifications and requirements of recognised bodies in order to be issued with a licence from the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Professional diving is all activities that are part of the professional or service activities of divers and other parties.
If the diving is not part of a commercial or service activity, it shall be considered as amateur diving.
If the activity is part of an organised service activity for the protection of public interests, the diving shall also be considered a professional diving activity. Examples include:
police and fire fighters who are diving while working
diving for laboratory sampling
Recognition of rights
The training for diving rights that meets the recommendations of the European Diving Technology Committee (EDTC), is recognised by the Icelandic Transport Authority as equivalent to Icelandic training, following a check on competence.
Iceland is not a member of the EDTC, although the curriculum must comply with the recommendations issued by the EDTC to be approved by the Icelandic Transport Authority. Icelandic education should therefore meet the requirements of foreign institutions regarding the content, focus and quality of education, and foreign authorities in the EU are obliged to recognise education equivalent to that of foreign institutions, in accordance with the EEA Agreement. It can be assumed that holders of an Icelandic CPL may be required to undergo some tests to verify their professional diving competence.
Law and regulation support

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority