Application from a dentist for registration in a customer registry
When a dentist applies to Iceland Health to be registered in the customer list of Iceland Health, the following documents must be provided:
A copy of the dentist’s validation
The Directorate of Health confirms that the dentist concerned meets professional requirements and other conditions in health legislation
A copy of the mandate to the Icelandic Dental Association (TFÍ) to negotiate contracts on its behalf or a confirmation from the dental association
The insurance company confirms that the dentist has a valid patient and professional liability insurance.
User agreement between Iceland Health and providers regarding connection to Iceland Health information system.
If a dentist changes his or her place of business, he or she must inform the Directorate of Health.
If a dentist is not a member of TFÍ, he must sign a framework agreement on electronic communications and, where applicable, an agreement on dental care for children.
If you have any further questions, please e-mail:

Service provider
Iceland Health