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Coastal cleanup

Grant for coastal cleanup

The application deadline was June 9th 2023.

Applications for legal entities, such as associations or amateur associations, for grants for projects that involve the clearing of Iceland's coastline.

The grants are awarded on the basis of Action 17 in the Action Plan of the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change on Plastics. The measure involves . Marine cleanliness is very important in Iceland and beach cleanup plays a significant role in that respect.

The purpose of the grants is to ensure that Iceland's coastline is cleaned in an orderly manner, that cleaned beaches are maintained, that public awareness is raised about the importance of beach clean-ups and that interested parties participate in the coastal clean-up campaign.

Beneficiaries shall submit documentation on the progress of each project and statistics on the quantity of waste that is cleaned: The information will be visible on the project website .

Grants will be awarded for specific projects, which will generally be awarded for one year at a time.

The total grant amount for the project for 2023 is ISK 30 million.

Grant for coastal cleanup