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Complaints Committees

European Consumer Center Iceland
The ECC-Net assists consumers that have cross-border problems with traders within the EU, Iceland, Norway and The UK.

There are a number of complaints committees that handle disputes between buyers and sellers.

Complaints Committees

Consumers who wish to complain about a product or service shall first submit their complaint to the seller in question.

If no agreement is reached with the seller, consumers may appeal cases in certain fields to complaints committees This is a cheap and quick measure, although the consumer generally has to pay an appeals fee to ensure that the case is addressed. Such fees differ from committee to committee. If the consumer wins a case addressed by a complaints committee, the seller will refund the appeal fee.

If the consumer is unhappy with the ruling, he or she may continue with the case before a court of law.

The Insurance Complaints Committee handles disputes relating to liability, including culpability and the apportionment of culpability between the consumer and the insurance company.

The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms

Complain to the Icelandic Transport Agency regarding air travel
You can apply to the Icelandic Transport Authority if you have applied for compensation or refund from the airline and have received a rejection from the airline.

The Automotive Industry Arbitration Committee (in Icelandic)
The Automotive Industry Arbitration Committee rules in disputes between consumers and sellers regarding all kinds of complaints from consumers, both domestically and across borders, regarding the purchase of goods and/or services from companies within the Automotive Industry Association.

The Complaints Committee of consumer goods and services
Consumers can request a ruling from the Complaints Committee for the Purchase of Goods and Services due to a dispute arising from a sales or service contract.