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Compensation Grant for upper secondary school students

Students in secondary school who study away from their legal domicile and family can be eligible for a compensation grant. A maximum compensation grant can be granted for 4 years or 8 semesters.

A student is considered to be studying regularly if he or she is enrolled in a program and has passed at least 20 FEIN-units per semester.

Students in vocational/industrial studies and postgraduate studies may be entitled to either student loans or a compensation grant. Students in paid vocational studies are not entitled to compensation grants. In addition, university students are not entitled to compensation grants.

The compensation grant is divided into a residence grant and a driving grant:

  • A driving allowance is intended for students who drive daily to school from their legal domicile. However, the legal domicile must not be in the vicinity of the school. A driving allowance is also for students who do not live in their parents' houses but cannot show rent payments.

  • Residence allowance is for students who move at least 30 km from their legal domicile and family in order to study, i.e. students who are staying at home and/or paying rent.

Families or guardians of low-income students can apply for a grant from the Future Fund of the Church's Aid for expenses.

The Icelandic Student Loan Fund