Compensation Grant for upper secondary school students
Students in secondary school who study away from their legal domicile and family can be eligible for a compensation grant. A maximum compensation grant can be granted for 4 years or 8 semesters.
A student is considered to be studying regularly if he or she is enrolled in a program and has passed at least 20 FEIN-units per semester.
Students in vocational/industrial studies and postgraduate studies may be entitled to either student loans or a compensation grant. Students in paid vocational studies are not entitled to compensation grants. In addition, university students are not entitled to compensation grants.
The compensation grant is divided into a residence grant and a driving grant:
A driving allowance is intended for students who drive daily to school from their legal domicile. However, the legal domicile must not be in the vicinity of the school. A driving allowance is also for students who do not live in their parents' houses but cannot show rent payments.
Residence allowance is for students who move at least 30 km from their legal domicile and family in order to study, i.e. students who are staying at home and/or paying rent.
Families or guardians of low-income students can apply for a grant from the Future Fund of the Church's Aid for expenses.
Service provider
The Icelandic Student Loan Fund