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Co-payment for speech therapy

Co-payment of Iceland Health on the applicable regulation on training covered by the health insurance issued by the Ministry of Welfare.

Iceland Health pays for speech therapy according to the co-payment system.


Prerequisites for co-payment from Iceland Health for speech therapy is that there is

  • Diagnosis from a doctor

  • Written training request from a speech pathologist working under framework agreement with Iceland Health

Before training begins, a request for speech training must be submitted by a doctor. That request shall be submitted to a speech pathologist who is responsible for sending the request to Iceland Health.

Children with less abnormalities

An agreement was made between the Ministry of Welfare and the Association of Local Authorities in Iceland in 2014 on the division of responsibility for speech therapy service for children.

The agreement states that the municipalities care for children with less deviations due to speech disorders, that is those who do not meet the conditions made in the Framework Agreement between Iceland Health and speech therapists for language development, pronunciation and stuttering.

Number of treatments

If the request is accepted, the insured person will receive 15 times of speech therapy in each 12-month period.

A speech pathologist must specifically apply for authorization to Iceland Health for treatments beyond 15 times if necessary.

Analysis and advice

Under the terms of the framework agreement, Iceland Health also participates in the

  • One analysis every 12 months

  • Twice-in-a-row counselling

Questions for voice training can be sent to the e-mail address: You can also contact us by phone at 515 0000.

Practicing speech pathologists

Information about practicing speech therapists can be found on the website of speech therapists

Iceland Health does not grant grants for speech training for speech pathologists who work without a contract.

Service provider

Ice­land Health