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Child protection and services for children and parents

  • Do you worry about a child or are you a child with worries?

  • Do you suspect that a child is being abused or is living with neglect?

  • Do you know that a child is putting their health at risk?

  • Do you have concerns about the physical or mental health of your child?

  • Do you suspect that a child is not given the opportunity to develop normally?

These are examples of cases that require the involvement of child protection services, which must then assess whether a child is being neglected, abused or shows risky behaviour. Staff at child protection services in municipalities base their assessments on the definition and classification system of child protection notices.

The role of child protection services is to help children and parents with serious problems, to ensure the welfare and safety of children. Child protection services operate within municipalities and their task is to provide support and advice with a variety of professional solutions with the goal of ensuring the best interests of the child.

It is our duty to notify the child protection services about any suspected unwanted circumstances that have a negative impact on the child's health, well-being or development. The case is then processed and evaluated. Child protection cases can be initiated by parties who are concerned about the child, such as the public, neighbours, schools, parents or family members of the child.

Examples of professional solutions for child protection

  • Regular interviews and support from child protection staff

  • Support for upbringing and care

  • Support families

  • Collaboration with professionals, e.g. police and health care professionals

  • Treatment options for children and young people, e.g. accommodations for children away from home, admission to the Barnahús children's center, diagnosis and treatment

Child protection services employ professionals who always have the welfare of children as their priority. If you have reasons to contact child protection services, you can find a contact person in your municipality.

If you are concerned about the situation of a child, that a child or an unborn child is being abused or is living with neglect or is putting their health or development at risk, you should by law to notify child protection services, or contact emergency service 112 by phone or via web chat.

Support for children and families

If there is a need for child protection, the case is examined. If the conclusion of that survey is that the family needs support, a treatment plan is made.

The program is developed in consultation with parents, and children are included in the program depending on their age, development and circumstances. It is common for children 15 years of age and older to sign the program as parties with their parents.

Support can be in many ways and it is rarely visible to others than the family when the child protection services are working with families.

The National Agency for Children and Families

Contact us

Telephone: 530 2600


Opening hours


9:00 - 12:00
12:30 - 15:00


Borgartún 21 (view on map)

105 Reykjavík