Recognised aircraft mechanics
Certifying staff authorised by the Icelandic Transport Agency to carry out airworthiness reviews on their own account according to Part-M Light aircraft.
Name | phone number | Aircraft types |
Einar Ragnarsson | 669 9814 | Powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes Limitation(s): Excluding: Aircraft used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 ELA 1 aeroplane - Sailplanes not owned by SFÍ (Icelandic Sailplane) Sailplanes with Jet propulsion and electrical Propulsion |
Hannes Ástráður Auðunarson | 846 2577 | Full Group 3 Limitation(s): Composite aeroplanes, wooden Structure aeroplanes and fabric aeroplanes |
Reynir Þór Guðmundsson | 863 4000 | Full Group 3 Limitation(s): None |
Valdimar Einarsson | 899 4068 | Aeroplane type: Powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes. Limitation(s): Wooden-structure aircraft covered with fabrics. Composite-structure aircraft. |

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority