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The Financial Management Authority Procurement

Becoming a party to the framework agreements as a trader

Steps to participate in framework agreements as a seller.

  1. Sellers check the status of framework agreements and look up the framework contracts tenders that are in procurement progress.

  2. The sellers find a framework contract offer of interest and obtain the contract documents for review.

  3. Sellers follow the general rules to participate and become bidders.

The seller become vendors

When the seller has been selected for a framework contract following a framework agreement award procedure, they shall:

  • enter the terms of the framework agreement into its trading system on the institutions identification numbers that are part of the agreement.

  • if the government agency contacts the seller, he must inform the buyer of the framework contract terms that are available to him.

Vendors can also advertise their services by contacting public buyers and thus raise awareness of the benefits they are offered by suppliers.

View framework contract tenders that are in progress

Turnover gap

The contract documents of each framework contract state the return of the turnover figures. Only turnover of the agreed goods or services shall be returned and it does not matter whether it is a direct purchase or after a micro-tender. The turnover figures are expressed as one total number without a VSK on a kennitala.

The Financial Management Authority Procurement

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Katrínartúni 6
105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540269-7509