Aviation security
Aviation security is a combination of measures, human and natural resources, to protect civil aviation from unlawful interference. The objective of civil aviation security is to contribute to the improvement of the safety of passengers, crews, airport personnel and the general public by appropriate security measures.
Aviation security policy and objectives
Main tasks of the aviation security department
Updating aviation security regulations.
Develop, establish and maintain Iceland's aviation security programme.
Approve security programmes of entities implementing aviation security.
Develop, establish and maintain Iceland's aviation security training programme.
Monitoring of bodies implementing aviation security under the quality system of the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Foreign communications on aviation security, including with aeronautical authorities of other states, foreign airlines, the International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO, the Organisation of European Civil Aviation Authorities - ECAC, the European Union, European Aviation Safety Agency - EASA.
Answer to audits by foreign aviation agencies, including international experts in the field of aviation security under the auspices of, inter alia, the EFTA Surveillance Authority - EASA and the International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO.
General and specific dissemination of information related to aviation security and security controls.
The following entities working around international flights are required to apply for security approval to the Icelandic Transport Authority:
Air navigation service providers
Air traffic flow management
Authorised agents
Known senders
Ground handling agents
Regulated entities shall also be service providers that implement security measures in international air traffic, for example: cleaning providers, airport operators and others.
In order to ensure that security standards are implemented and applied in accordance with standards, the Icelandic Transport Authority is responsible for the administration and monitoring of aviation security and parties responsible for the implementation of security measures.
The Icelandic Transportation Authority shall provide further information on parties subject to regulatory monitoring and, in addition, grant operating licences and approvals for aviation security.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority