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Audio recordings and data protection

If the individuals who are on a recording can be identified, for example if they give their name or if it is possible to determine the subject matter of the recording, the recording includes the processing of personal data.

When a recording is ongoing or repeated regularly and involves some kind of monitoring of individuals, it is considered electronic monitoring and the data protection laws must be complied with.

Electronic monitoring with confidentiality is not permitted unless it is based on legal authority or a judge's order.

In general, conversations or conversations between other individuals may not be recorded unless they agree to do so

  • The monitors must be educated and the signals must be displayed prominently.

  • There needs to be a special case need for monitoring.

Voice recording of calls

  • The interviewer must be notified of the recording of a call at the beginning of the call.

  • No need to report a recording when the interviewer is undoubtedly aware of the recording.

  • The government does not need to report on the recording of voicemail when it is a normal part of its operations and is necessary for national and public security.

  • When an interviewer is informed of a recording, the person who intends to record the call must consider the educational obligation of data protection legislation. Therefore, wording such as that a call may be recorded may not be in accordance with data protection laws on fairness and transparency.

Data Protection Authority

Contact us

Telephone: (+354) 510 9600

Opening hours

Weekdays from 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm

Telephone consultation on Thursdays from 9 am to 12 pm


Laugavegur 166, 4th floor

105 Reykjavík, Ísland

Identification number: 560800-2820