Atlantic tuna fishing permit
Vessels with a commercial fishing license and equipment suitable for fishing for East Atlantic bluefin tuna can apply for a tuna fishing permit. Permits may only be assigned to up to three vessels according to ICCAT rules.
General license for commercial fishing.
Ships must be at least 500 gross tons in size.
Have adequate equipment for fishing and handling of bluefin tuna catches.
The application must state
A plan for when to go fishing.
Descriptions of a ship's equipment, especially processing and freezing capacity.
Landing ports.
Information on how to dispose of the catch.
Information on previous tuna fishing experience.
When deciding on allocation, all these points are taken into account. The Directorate of Fisheries can reject applications if there is a possibility that the vessels in question are in some way unsuitable or underprepared for fishing in terms of safety or equipment.

Service provider
The Directorate of Fisheries