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Annual reports of accident registration

The Icelandic Transportation Authority compiles information used for analysis of road safety issues in Iceland and for policy in the fight for improved road safety.

Icelandic authorities' road safety objectives

  • That the number of traffic deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants will not exceed the lowest of any other nation by 2034.

  • That the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries will generally decline by 5% a year until 2034.

  • The baseline for the second objective is the average for 2013-2017.

Some points from the 2022 accident report

  • 9 individuals died in as many accidents.

  • Two foreign tourists died and one foreign national resident in Iceland.

  • Eight men and one woman died, while all 12 drivers involved in fatal accidents were men.

  • Five dead in urban areas, four outside urban areas

  • Five people died walking and cycling in a group of flats.

Earlier reports