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In 2017-2021 there was no fatal accident at sea, and so has the number of accidents at sea in recent years. Effective education, an increased safety culture and participation of the industry have a major impact.
However, accidents and incidents still occur, as there is little to remember that serious consequences will arise.
The 12-knot posters aim to increase awareness and discussion over twelve common factors that can lead to accidents or incidents at sea, with the aim of reducing the number and increasing awareness and discussion of maritime safety.
12 Knots
This first poster of 12 knots addresses one of the human factors that can often lead to serious accidents at sea, which is 'The lack of interest in safety'. The card identifies a number of important factors that can prevent or reduce this risk and at the same time increase the activity and interest of people in safety at sea.

Preventive measures that seafarers need to keep in mind to prevent the risk of " Defensive and disciplinary actions" from becoming a problem with associated accident risks.
In this context the importance of hygiene, following approved procedures and checklists, recording all incidents which lead to or may lead to accidents and not relying on luck are discussed.

Also, what seafarers need to keep in mind to ensure their safety through appropriate education and training. The lack of this has resulted in many very serious accidents at sea.
A so-called "besserwisser" (better compass) is not likely to ensure good performance or safety.
It is important that crew members have an adequate knowledge of the tasks they undertake and do not hesitate to ask if they do not know.
People will not fall into the temptation to guess how to do the work but rather the unrelenting power of adequate knowledge.
To ensure this, it is recommended that all crews attend appropriate training.

Address the dangers that may arise from over-estimating their own competence. Self-confidence and strategic direction are certainly good, but they must be founded on the openness of mind and the ability to update and complement the existing knowledge.
Be ready to seek new and better ideas and listen for them.
Thesserwisser not likely to be of safety.
You're not valued for what you think you can do, but what you can.
Too much self-confidence can be a sign of ignorance
The most important thing is to follow the navigational rules and guidelines of the manufacturer of certain equipment and tools.
It is a good idea and opinion to share with the rest of the crew and thereby come to a joint conclusion on the best way to solve the situation.

Danger due to lack of knowledge while working at sea.
Those who are willing to acquire knowledge are more likely to ensure their safety and that of their partners
it is self-confidence and a sense that people are not afraid to admit their ignorance and acquire knowledge.
The card incorporates important preventive measures to prevent this risk.
It is important that people always follow the latest rules and guidelines.
Ask if you don't know and don't guess - Be sure.
It is important that seafarers always participate in training and continuing education because no one is considered qualified no matter what their experience.

Danger which seafarers may be exposed to if there is a lack of any necessary safety equipment.
It is important that the availability of safety equipment for everyone on board ships can make a big difference in the course of a safe time.
It is important to ensure that the condition of the safety equipment is maintained at regular intervals and that sufficient provision is made for all persons on board. It is better to have too much of it than too little. To deal with breakdowns appropriately, for example, it is essential that the boat or the vessel be provided with tools and spare parts.
It is also important to familiarise yourself with innovations in safety equipment and to adopt this.

Hazards which burdensome requirements can cause to the crew and the ship.
It is exceptional that, for example, financial value is placed above the safety of crew, but if there is one such exception, then it is one too many.
In the unlikely event that onerous demands are made that can endanger crew, we encourage people to show commitment and always prioritise the safety of their boat and crew.
In particular, please check the preventive measures indicated on the right of the card.

Danger that can be caused by a lack of competence for cooperation. It can manifest itself in unfocused attitudes or behaviour.
The poster emphasises that the opinion of colleagues is sought because it is not important who is right but what is right. Listen and suggest.

It is often too late for people to realise the dangers that sleepiness and tiredness can present. Every year there are very serious accidents in Iceland that have been traced to this point and there are many cases where the steward has fallen asleep at the wheel.
It is important that people are aware of symptoms of fatigue.
Prevention of fatigue and the risks that may accompany fatigue must be addressed.

Address the dangers of bad and outdated traditions. It is important to take preventive measures to prevent such risks.
It is not the default that a particular practice is the best and safest way.
It is important not to be afraid to criticise and revise traditions.

Not being afraid to correct, give your opinion and point out better ways can lead to more serious consequences than otherwise. A danger can arise when people are afraid to make suggestions for something that could be better
Preventive measures are noted.
Underline the importance of not being afraid to correct
Don't be afraid to point out potentially better ways
Have confidence in taking initiative in safety matters.

A risk that can arise from lack of consideration and respect for colleagues.
Preventive measures
Respect the feelings, opinions and character of others.
Show special consideration to newcomers, youth and staff of foreign origin.
Eliminate all backlash, humiliation, bullying and all forms of violence and harassment.
By belittling others, you are actually demeaning yourself.