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Accidents and emergencies

The majority of healthcare centres and hospitals operate accident and emergency rooms. The service is provided throughout the year. The emergency number 112 (one-one-two) handles all emergency services and answers all calls relating to emergencies and requests for assistance.

Accident and emergency room

Emergency services and/or accident rooms are operated in hospital and healthcare-centre units and divisions.

The accident and emergency unit for accidents, acute illness, poisoning and rape is located in Landspítali University Hospital, Fossvogur, telephone 543 2000.

Children and adolescents

The emergency unit at the Hringur Children's Hospital is responsible for treating ill children and adolescents (up to the age of 18). The emergency unit is open around the clock. Emergency unit phone number is  543 3700.

Paediatricians operate an evening and weekend service in Læknahúsid, Domus Medica, Egilsgata, telephone 563 1010.

Emergency services for children suffering from mental illness or mental disorders are provided during normal opening hours at BUGL, Landspítali University Hospital, Dalbraut 12, telephone 543 4300 or 543 1000. Services outside normal opening hours are provided by the Psychiatric Division at the Landspítali University Hospital, Hringbraut, telephone 543 4050 or 543 1000. Moreover, the FSA University Hospital in Akureyri, telephone 463 0100, operates an emergency room in its Psychiatric Division.

Mental health

The emergency unit of the Psychiatric Division at the Landspítali University Hospital is in the hospital's psychiatry building on Hringbraut, telephone 543 4050 or 543 1000. Assistance may be sought in the general emergency unit outside normal opening hours. The Psychiatric Division at FSA University Hospital in Akureyri, telephone 463 0100, operates an emergency unit.


In the event of serious problems such as bleeding or pain during the first three months of pregnancy, women can seek assistance in the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Landspítali University Hospital, Hringbraut, telephone 543 3266, 543 3265 or 543 1000 or the Gynaecology Division at FSA University Hospital in Akureyri, telephone 463 0129 or 463 0134.

Alcohol and drugs

Those seeking assistance in relation to alcohol and drug abuse are referred to the psychiatry building at the Landspítali University Hospital, Hringbraut, telephone 543 4050 or 543 1000.


Emergency assistance for sexual violence is provided in all emergency and accident units. A special emergency unit is located in the Emergency Services Division at Landspítali University Hospital (Fossvogur), telephone 543 2094 or 543 2000 and in the accident unit at the FSA University Hospital in Akureyri, telephone 463 0800.


Anyone coming into contact with hazardous substances, or poisonous plants or medicinal products should contact the Landspítali Poison Centre, telephone 543 2222. The Centre may be called round the clock for information and guidance. Educational material on how to respond in the event of poisoning may also be obtained here.

Trauma counselling

Those who have experienced trauma can seek assistance at the Landspítali Trauma Centre in accident and emergency units, telephone 543 2085. They can also call the Red Cross Help Line 1717.


An emergency dentistry service is operated in the greater Reykjavík area. Please note that dentistry charges are not regulated and may be between 34% and 130% higher those given on the price list issued by the Minister of Health. Ask about the price before accepting the service.